Monday 7 May 2007

“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. “ - Oscar Wilde

May 13th is Mothers Day, a commercially drive celebration for us to thank our mothers for all that they do for us. My mother, like most I’m sure, believes every day should be mothers day, but if this were the case, our efforts would be taken for granted as it would simply become the norm; and we cant have that. That being said, as it is only one day of the year, we need to make Mothers Day extremely special.
By the time we reach an age where we actually begin to respect our mothers rather than resent them for annoying us; and are contemplating what to get them for this occasion, they usually have everything they need plus more; and if my mother is any indication, are trying to downsize their accumulated possessions. So do they really need another present?
The questions remains year in year out, what do our mothers deserve? Can we put a price on what they do for us? Enduring the pain of birth and bearing the brunt of every complaint in our lives as we inevitably need to blame it on our mothers. What do you give to someone who has every thing?
When I think of what my mother does, I am in awe of how she achieves so much yet receives very little in return. Of course, she has me in return, which I believe is the greatest gift in the world! Yet when I look at her life and try to think of an appropriate gift, what I notice the she needs most is a break!
It has often been said that the greatest gift is something from the heart, a gift that money can not buy; and I believe this whole-heartedly. So when it comes to Mothers Day, think twice when running to the shops the day before to pick up that bottle of Chanel No. 5, or some flowers on the way to brunch.
As women, we need our pampering time. This is instinct to us, and an urge which must be fulfilled. However, time is often of the essence. So this Mothers Day, take the day off, and make that time for your mother. Why not have a girly afternoon of pampering?
The gift of pampering is easier than most think. It’s as simple as running a bath for your mother, sprinkled with Lilac bath confetti $80 from Iris and Hazel, insisting she take a book and a glass of wine and relax for half an hour. Light some scented candles and spray the room with Cote Bastide Rosemary room spray $55 from Studio Imports. Then provide her with some beautifully scented soap and body lotion, such as Bloom French Lavender Scented Soap & Body Butter Gift Set $19.95. Heaven for any woman.
Follow this with a manicure. Start with a soothing hand massage with Crabtree & Evelyn’s Lavender Hand Therapy 100ml for $21.95, which is luxuriously rich cream. Continue with O.P.I Original Nail Envy nail strengthener $30, as our nails start to get brittle and weak as we get older, and follow with her favourite shade of polish.
Then, to finish off the afternoon, hire a DVD, The Devil Wears Prada is a personal favourite of my mother and I, and cook some lovely iced cupcakes to enjoy with a cup of refreshing chamomile tea.

This ‘forced’ time-out is my guess at what our mothers need most and they would never think to do this for them selves. Yet to be honest, my guess is that any woman would love to be pampered like this for a day!
So if your struggling for gift ideas for that incredibly important woman who gave you life; think about giving your time, as in the rushed era we life in, it is time that is most precious.

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